video for golfers

  • Golfers

    Harness The Draw – Golf Lessons with Andreas

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    Harness The Draw

    In this next chapter of “Golf lessons with Andreas”, Andreas focuses on the lesser common shot shapes of Pushes and Hooks, as well as poor contact tendencies such as Fat Shots and Thin Shots. These issues are often experienced by better golfers and juniors, but still have a negative effect on a golfers ability to control their ball flight and score consistently.

    Recommended to all golfers and coaches, Andreas shows us in this video lesson exactly why he is considered to be one of the very best golf coaches in the world today and why he continues to have huge success at every level of the game.

  • Golfers

    Tour Pro Contact – Golf Lessons with Andreas

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    Tour Pro Contact

    In this video series “Golf lessons with Andreas”, Andreas focuses on the single most important fundamental to playing great golf – Ball Contact, the ability to “strike” the golf ball cleanly and powerfully over and over again, just like the Tour Pros do.

    Recommended to all golfers and coaches, Andreas shows us in this video lesson exactly why he is considered to be one of the very best golf coaches in the world today and why he continues to have huge success at every level of the game.

  • Golfers

    Stopping The Slice – Golf Lessons with Andreas

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    Stopping the Slice

    In this video series “Golf lessons with Andreas”, Andreas tackles one of the biggest issues experienced by golfers all over the world today, the SLICE – (A golf ball which curves uncontrollably  off right of the intended target). This swing characteristic frustrates millions of golfers and reduces any chance of significant improvement and satisfaction of the game.

    Recommended to all golfers and coaches, Andreas shows us in this video lesson exactly why he is considered to be one of the very best golf coaches in the world today and why he continues to have huge success at every level of the game.